How to Make Turkey Stuffing from Scratch

When it comes to how to make turkey stuffing from scratch, a lot of people have opinions. What tastes like the real deal to you is probably what someone else used to make for you (nostalgia!). But, whether it’s cornbread or white bread, in the bird or out, the good news is there’s no wrong answer. You do you! And, just for fun, to give you a peek into a few other households, here’s my pick for how to make turkey stuffing from scratch, as well as four other inspired ideas from around the web. 

how to make turkey stuffing from scratch

In a recent informal Instagram survey, many of you voiced strong opinions about stuffing. Or dressing. Read More

Upcoming Event: Brunch & Bloodys November 10

Hey, food lovers in Nashville, mark your calendar for an event this coming Saturday, November 10! Nashville Lifestyles is hosting Brunch & Bloodys at the historic Union Station Hotel, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The event will feature small bites from local restaurants. Tickets are $30 in advance.

Brunch & Bloodys Nashville
Photo provided by Nashville Lifestyles, who’s hosting the Saturday event

The only thing better than a morning of brunch bites from Nashville restaurants is a morning of brunch bites from Nashville restaurants in the idyllic setting of Union Station Hotel. Originally built to serve as Music City’s rail station in 1900, this legendary landmark joined the Marriott Autograph Collection of hotels in 2012. It completed a full renovation in 2016. And next weekend, it’s the setting for Brunch & Bloody’s, a fun food event hosted by Nashville Lifestyles. Come enjoy a morning of brunch bites from local restaurants, from True Food Kitchen to Butchertown Hall! If you buy tickets ahead of time, they’re $30; otherwise, they’re $40 at the door.Read More

4 Online Resources to Inspire You to Make Pasta at Home

When it comes to making pasta at home, there’s nothing like learning from the pros–especially the sincerely joyful ones. So below, find four wonderfully inspiring online pasta resources that will make you want to pile flour and eggs on your counter, too.

handmade pasta
Dried handmade pasta, ala Marcella Hazan’s method

If you’ve never made pasta at home, these zealous cooks will make you want to; or, if you whip up handmade noodles all the time, these passionate pasta-makers will feel like friends. Read More

Marcella Hazan’s Handmade Pasta Recipe

The 1992 cookbook Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking is still an Amazon bestseller today. In it, Marcella Hazan has a lot to say about making pasta–some of it surprising. Whether you’re a pasta veteran or never considered the idea of making it yourself, here’s a look at the legendary Italian cook’s handmade pasta recipe and what it might be able to teach you!

what marcella hazan teaches us about making pasta at home
Fresh noodles made per Marcella’s formula, with only two ingredients: (semolina) flour and eggs

There’s nothing like a handmade pasta recipe to reignite your love of cooking. All it takes is a chunk of time in the kitchen and the simplest of ingredients to create the foundation for four-star dining at home! Read More

4 of the Best Green Bean Casserole Recipes from Scratch, to Honor the Dish’s Inventor

Just one month before America’s favorite food holiday, the woman who created one of its most signature dishes has passed away. Dorcas Reilly, former manager of Campbell’s Kitchens and inventor of the green bean casserole, died October 15 in Camden, New Jersey, at the age of 92. In her honor, here are four of the Internet’s best green bean casserole recipes from scratch.

best green bean casseroles
Photo by Neha Deshmukh on Unsplash

In modern America at Thanksgiving, the green bean casserole is now almost as commonplace as turkey–but it wasn’t always this way. The person we have to thank for the side dish’s ubiquity is Dorcas Reilly. Read More