10 Great Kale Drink Recipes

Mix up your morning routine, and get your greens, to boot! Even if yesterday’s green drink wasn’t your kind of brew, below there are nine other great kale drink recipes that might be.

A sweet and spicy kale drink -- one of 10 great kale drink recipes featured in this roundup at Go Eat Your Bread with Joy.

If you want to get more greens, drinking them is a great, fast way to do it–and if you want to do it with kale, here’s a little fresh inspiration to mix up your routine! Below, get inspired with these 10 great kale drinks from all over the Internet, each offering a fresh, new way to up your veggie intake at home.

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An Everyday Kale Drink to Try

Deep in the throes of cold season, who doesn’t need a healthy tonic you can blend up at home? Whether or not drinking this will help you ward off germs (or recover from them) is up for debate–but still: sipping it is a fun way to experiment.

This everyday kale drink is easy to make, filled with nutrients and has a refreshing, earthy taste that's kissed with sweetness--and a kick of heat! Drink it to load up on nutrients this winter. #kale #coldseason #healthydrinks

Listen, it’s 2019. You don’t need me to tell you about the wonders of kale, that leafy green vegetable that’s high in fiber, antioxidants, calcium, vitamin K, vitamin C, iron and other minerals. Kale’s on restaurant menus; kale’s in juice bars. Your favorite hipster is eating it, but so are your parents (or grandparents!). You can have kale salads, kale smoothies, kale pesto and kale pasta. People put kale on sandwiches, use it in side dishes and add it to their pizzas.

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What’s the Difference between Whole30 and Keto?

For a lot of Americans, new year means new diet—bringing terms like juice cleanse, sugar fast and healthy eating to mind. Two modern options in particular, Whole30® and ketogenic, are on trend. But what are they? Should you try one? Below, here’s a bite-sized look at the question of what’s the difference between Whole30 and keto!

Fresh produce for a post on keto vs Whole30 eating // go eat your bread with joy
Photo by Dose Juice on Unsplash

It sounds like the beginning of a joke: if two people come to a dinner party, one on Whole30, one on the keto diet, what do you serve–carrot sticks? The fact is, these buzzwords are two of 2019’s hottest food crazes–labels that have inspired an entire selection of newly launched diet-specific Chipotle bowls. And, given that it’s January, a month known for resets and resolutions, if you aren’t currently trying either Whole30 or a keto diet, you probably know someone who is.

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Let’s Talk about Matcha Tea Benefits

It’s an alternative to coffee, loaded with antioxidants, said to deter diseases and reported to boost metabolism and aid weight loss. So are the matcha tea benefits worth all the hype? What can you honestly expect if you start drinking it—and where should you buy it so you can? Here’s a look.

It’s not hard to understand the mass upsurge in matcha interest over the last few years. Who wouldn’t be intrigued by a beverage that offers 60 times the antioxidant levels and nine times the beta-carotene of spinach? That’s naturally anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial? A morning brew that one writer said “aided my digestion, helped my skin and got rid of jitters”?

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Reviews on Brandless: Part 2, Some Updates

UPDATE December 2019: Brandless no longer sells food! I still recommend their diapers ($11), to-go beverage cups ($3) and kitchenware.

Last January, I posted the first of my reviews on Brandless, the $3 grocery that sells everything from organic coconut oil to disposable paper products sans branding. One year later, here’s a fresh analysis: the company’s added new products, developed a referral program and now offers coupon codes to save you even more dough. Read more below!

Reviews on Brandless: part 2 - why buy from the $3 online grocery (a reevaluation)

It’s been almost a year since I first learned about Brandless, the online food retailer that eliminates unnecessary markups by going without a brand and selling direct to customers. For a company known by ditching branding, its products are remarkably consistent in packaging and style: they all feature the same simple font, white label and essential information that customers need to understand what’s inside.

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A Few Good New Year Resolutions 2018

A new year brings new opportunities–such as finding more ways to have fun in the kitchen! So as you plan your new year resolutions 2018, consider the following list of possibilities. Unlike some lists, it’s focused less on restriction, more on enjoyment. Give yourself something to look forward to trying in 2019!

A few good new year resolutions 2018: for fun in the kitchen
Photo by Oskars Sylwan on Unsplash

A lot of people like to knock new year resolutions. Mostly that’s because they don’t stick. Google around: according to statistics all over the Internet, most people who set new goals for the new year won’t keep to them. Some resources say as many as nine out of ten people will give up. Nonetheless, setting goals and making resolutions is still a good idea, especially if you pursue a specific kind of change, that is, the fun ones.

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